Big Data: Privacy

1 min readFeb 8, 2021

In reflecting back on this last unit, I find myself revisiting lots of headspaces that I’m familiar with. Such things as how ad revenue is big business for online companies, and how that income, is greatly threatened by any measure of individual privacy are subjects I’ve done a lot of research on in the past. What I’m surprised to learn is that other still very successful business models have been developed and tested, and it disappoints me to then look back at the almost malicious invasion of privacy that still happens. In this unit I was especially fond of the Why privacy matters video, Glenn Greenwald had some very profound insights that had me not necessarily rethink previously made conclusions but rather adjust them. Greenwald made a point that too many internet powers people and more importantly that data that’s collected on them, is seen more as a resource or commodity, and the human part of it is forgotten. Then people are told they shouldn’t have anything to hide, and how fundamentally dangerous and wrong that mindset is. I am someone who personally thinks dissidence and creativity are very important to the human condition. So to see Greenwald connect these things together, It made a lot of sense and I’m surprised that i myself did not make such connections. This is a new angle to see things at, and ill be sure to use it for the units to come.

